Sunday, September 17, 2006

. . . and She Will Lead Me In

I took a walk upon the bridge of distant reality,
below the atomic sea.

Thoughts of you rushed over me.
I walked to see what I could see.
I carried nothing but your memory.

Visions came to my eyes as I lifted my head,
of my hands in yours, a guiding touch.
Your outline has no color, just white light.

I walk and you fly.
The sky is purple
and open to the moon.

Stars let their scent reach us,
like fresh rain!
We breath it in and feel the night.

What can I do but cry?
Diamonds fall from your eyes,
Tears from the sun!

Your wings I call "safety,"
Vanilla in scent
And soft as the lightest wind.

Your robes are of purest white,
Soothing to the touch!
You make me shudder.

My eyes dart back and forth
at the path we take.
I cannot look at you without breaking down.

This is you, grown from the world
and alive in the Son.

I always knew it would be you who would guide me home.

You are yourself, yet not.
Your body is your own, yet different.
You have no human body to distort your beauty.
But it is you none the less.

It is your soul exposed!
It is the feeling of your smile.
That smile always made me see you this way!
The real you!

You have become
My angel of Grace and Mercy
who I always prayed
would fly next to me.

No words were said,
just the ones placed in my head,
“To come away”
with the woman I have always loved.

I lived a lifetime of want and sorrow,
since you left.

I was of one heart, of one mind, one embrace, preparing for my
one moment of you being

Minutes left in this life!

Your wings touch the ground.
The winds blow around you with no sound.
You transform into that girl I knew so long ago.
You, standing there with your deep blue eyes and brown hair,
Your intense stare,
Your jeans and your black T-shirt,
Your strange but marvelous body,
So different from the rest of the world!

You take one step.
The way you walk brings back a flood of past days,
Memories of laughter together and running after the rain.

You lean in, looking as if you would fall to your left,
Just as you always did in life.

You embrace me as you never did in life,
Wrapping your limbs around me as if you would never let go,
Your lips touch mine
for the first time.
True bliss!

My eyes are open, yours are closed.
I feel your eye-lashes on my skin.
Your lips, so moist, send love through my veins,
a blinding light, filling all space and time.

Transformed in a moment, from life to eternity
by this one embrace.
Brought into a heavenly place.

The paramedics tried,
but there is a flat line.
And I die.


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