Pleasure is in the Memory !

I was thinking about pleasure. Our society seeks the pleasure of the moment we want to feel it right now. The truth is that's what many people long for. Looking back on my life I see mostly hard roads and broken paths. The last three years I have had more happiness or "pleasure" then I have ever had in my whole life. There's been hard times too. Due mostly to with things that have happened in the past. There are things in my history that I have blocked out. If you have ever seen the butterfly effect, it's kinda like that. But slowly some stuff comes back to me. The truth is I keep my past to my self, these events that come back I deal with my self. I am not ready to let people know some secrets. I guess it's a trust issue and a little bit to do with embarrassment or being ashamed. Anyway these things affect me. But this brings me to my point. Our past is something we dwell on. Bad usually more then good. But when it comes to pleasure could not the remembering of past happiness bring it full circle to a fuller definition of pleasure. Like the final fruits of the event or of that time in your life. You can sit back and think about it, not needing to try to relive it but enjoy that you lived it once.
A pleasure in proper moderation. An example: Do we eat after we are full or sleep after we have slept? So to leave it and not try to re-experience that same pleasure again.
Imagine if mankind had one love, such as you loved one women or one man. Like it was only possible to love romantically once your whole life! What if every part of that relationship had its time and place and that we were happy with each being separated. Stage one: When you are young you look for a mate; then you court her; then you get married Stage two: You make love to have a child, you take pleasure in it, you do the act out of love yes, but you do it for the want of children. Stage three: then you rear the children; Stage four: Then you remember all this, and it wells up inside of you. (The remembering being the last part of the experience of pleasure)
I am not saying that when you are married you should not have sex except for children that is an extreme example! I am saying that we should live our lives not wanting to re-experience the past but to find joy in the memory but a hope for the future joy in store for us.
Perhaps a better example is a man who finds love, but it is lost. Say if that was it! He is only capable of loving once, as if all man kind was that way. Never to love again. You find one women or man who you fall in love with. No hope of another because that was it, that was your love. So we must take pleasure in the memory of that love.
My point is A pleasure is full grown only when it is remembered. Pleasure not being one thing and memory being another but being one together. Remembering is the last part of the pleasure.
Like a poem with a good line in the middle. If you take out the rest of the poem, the line is no longer as impactful.
I am saying all this because I in fact have had some great friends over the last two years and some great times along with these friends. I can pinpoint some moments and even some days as the best times of my life. I can tell you the best moment and the best day. They were one and the same. The best day: It was spent with people I love and cherish. Nothing was on my mind except to enjoy my time with them. No insecurities did I feel, I felt safe and loved. Best moment. I looked at her and she at me. Her eyes bright as the sun. She leaned over and said ever so softly "I love you Byron." And I believed her. At that moment the world could have came crashing down and I would have been happy.
Though those days and moments are done the memory lives on, so I think I need to be happy with those memories. Not wishing that I was back there in that place or reliving those moments but happy that they have passed and that I enjoyed them and I have come full circle with them in my mind.
If that was the greatest moment in my life, I am happy I heard those words and had that moment. If that was the greatest day of my life then I am happy I spent it with the ones I loved, having fun in the sun. If I never have a greater experience or "pleasure." Well I must be happy!
that's me rambling
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