To walk on the given path

Leaving the safe for the narrow.
Leaving cushions for arrows.
Water in my eyes
and toil on my breath.
Giving it my all
until I have nothing left.
Dreams of the future push me on.
Visions show me a man,
reflecting green,
An image and an outline.
He says, "Follow me."
So I comply.
He gives me tests like candy.
"First the bitter, then the sweet,"
He warns with his friendly tone.
"Shall I marry Faith?"
He gives his response with a smile.
Always the same,
that one word
for every step.
"I want love,"
I say in a sad tone.
Learn how to give it."
defined by a Man,
a star so hard to reach.
"Bleed with me?"
I see his face,
A million sorrows worn!
All for love of the World.
"I will bleed."
I weep for breakfast
and eat pain for lunch.
My lesson is my supper.
"All things for the end,"
He states in a tone of finality.
"Yes, no glory here,
No perfect Love."
Waiting for the end
and working in the present.
My love is great
but not respected.
It grows with every cut and scrape.
taking me where I fear to go,
robbing me of all selfish ideas
of happiness.
"The future I hold in my hand
is better then what your mind can comprehend."
The man speaks from all sides
in a loud commanding voice.
A wide open field I see.
"Is this my near-future,
alone to walk for evermore?"
"You did the harvest here,
this is the end of your future
and the beginning of your end."
I see the sun rise,
a new life.
I see Joy anticipating.
I see Mercy looking for me,
eyes so bright.
I see a place of rest.
I see Love,
shouting my name!
"Is this Heaven,
or will I find these things on Earth?"
I ask,
rivers of lost years flowing to my eyes.
"You will find them.
They are promised to you."
His words hang in the air.
And I take my first step
Mountains I climb.
Paths I take.
I travel when I am asleep
and when I am awake.
The ground is rough and the road
is hard.
I walk this way
until I'm shown