Friday, February 05, 2010

UnderRated Superheros

Here is the list folks, I encourage you to take my suggestions and check these sources out! Most of these Characters are not used up to their potential partly because the company that own the rights (DC) partly because they are new (Deadpool) or old (the Shadow) or look weird (nightcrawler, Martian manhunter) In most cases they have not been given the chance to succeed (now or ever in most cases) I see potential in all these characters if only some great comic book writer (and the public) gave them a chance. Hope you enjoy it!

1.) Captain Marvel

he has the Wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury. Captain Marvel’s mystical properties screws up whatever he’s facing (Such as the time he was able to surround his fists in mystical energy to help disrupt a force-field that a mage had created). He also has a “lightning” bolt which he uses as an offensive weapon along various other abilities. His lightning bolt is not actually lightning; it’s energy from The Source, coupled with the spell that creates Captain Marvel. It can be used to heal, Hailed as "The World's Mightiest Mortal” he is basically the strongest there is!
He had the highest selling comic book in "the golden age of Comics
Some facts :
"( 1930’s-1940) His alter ego is one Billy Batson, when he says SHAZAM (the name of the wizard who gave him his powers) turns into the powerful Captain Marvel. Unfortunately DC comics sued the original publishers of this comic (for having story lines similar to superman) and the law suit resulted in their bankruptcy, now DC Owns the rights has done barely any thing with the Character
Why he is underrated:
- He is stronger, faster smarted then superman,
-Its fun to say Shazam,
-His alter ego is a child so there are no conflicting problems with his personal life and his time kicking the bad guys butts.
-ok, check out the Graphic novel Kingdom Come and you will understand why this Guy rocks.

2.) Deadpool

Accelerated healing factor enables him to regenerate any destroyed tissues or organs though his healing factor results in massive scar tissue causing his appearance to be deformed. He possesses enhanced strength, stamina, agility, and reflexes. At the time of the gene therapy that gave the character his healing factor he was dying of terminal cancer. An unanticipated side effect of the therapy was a rapid acceleration of the tumours as well, causing them to quickly spread across his entire body as soon as his powers fully activated. Deadpool's brain cells are similarly affected, which renders him resistant to telepathy. Deadpool is a superb assassin and mercenary, an expert in multiple forms of martial arts, and an expert swordsman and marksman.
Has his own Marvel title, is featured on X-Men Origins (who messes his character up big time) as well has Hulk vs. wolverine.
Some facts:
portrayed as a disfigured and mentally unstable mercenary with a mouth like Spiderman (he likes making jokes while he fights his enemies) however more dark humour ex. "anyone missing an arm... ha oh ya I forget this is your arm buddy, I guess my sword slipped...ha” originally a villain but has also been a hero when it will benefit his interests.
Why he is underrated:
Ok he is funny but not a pansy like Spiderman, he is dark and unpredictable which makes any story with him more interesting, he is relatively new (created in 1991), sweet costumes sweet weapons. Check out Hulk vs. Wolverine and you will know what I am talking about.

3. The Shadow

the mysterious power to cloud men's minds, so they could not see him, able to also alter or control a person’s thoughts and perspectives.
Great success in the 1930 with radio programs and pulp magazines, in the late 80s DC did a short lived comic book series featuring the shadow. Five films have been made about the shadow with the most recent being in 1994. A new film is in the works.
Some Facts:
created in 1930, the original Dark Detective. Instead of hiding behind a mask like batman, The Shadow alters his enemy’s eyes so they cannot see him and if he does show them his form it’s a dark mysterious long faced man which brings fear into their hearts. His laugh is piercing and creepy not unlike the jokers laugh. He uses mans fear to bring them to confess or make a mistake so they will be caught, though he does use physical violence when needed and has two huge guns at his disposal. He has a league of helpers (all of those whose lives he's saved) in all kinds of fields at his disposal.
Why he is underrated:
He has spent very little time in the comic book world and is much older then most characters. He is dark, creepy powerful yet still very much human. The stories are full of mystery, suspense and delve into the dark side of the human heart and brain. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!" Listen to one of the radio programs and you will know what I am talking about "The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. Crime does not pay.... The Shadow knows!"

4. NightCrawler:

Teleportation, His agility far surpasses that of an Olympic level gymnast, and his bone structure allows him great flexibility. His spine is more flexible than an ordinary human, enabling him to remain in a crouched position for a long time and perform contortionist-type feats without causing any damage to his spine. Nightcrawler's agility, balance, bodily coordination, and flexibility are all enhanced to superhuman levels. He has an ability to cling to surfaces with his hands and feet in a manner similar to Spider-Man. He also possesses superhuman dexterity, being able to manipulate items and fence with either hand, both feet, and his tail.
Has been a popular Character in X-Men and other Marvel comics and well as being in the film X2.
Some facts: real name Kurt Wagner, his father was a demonic warlord (Azazel) his mother a shift changer (Mystique) Because of his looks (blue skin, three finger hands, pointy tail) he had to hide in a circus most of his young life and when people found out what he looked like they have tried to kill him thinking he was a monster or demon.
Why he is underrated:
His personal story is just so dark yet he is so light hearted. When he first joined the x-men he was the practical joker of the bunch, always playing tricks and cracking jokes. He loves swashbuckling films and is a great sword fighter. Though his looks are scary he was a ladies man in the early years, Later on he grew into a devote Christian. Most characters with a past like Nightcrawlers turn bitter and evil, though his parents are evil and his looks like a demon this Character grows into a man of faith and love. Nightcrawlers story is that of hope forgiveness and redemption. nuff said.

5.) Martian Manhunter

Super strength, durability, flight and shape shifting, super speed and “Martian” vision, both at levels close to those of Superman himself. He not only can turn invisible but also alter his density to become incredibly strong, tough and ultimately intangible. In addition to his physical powers, J’onn is also a very powerful telepath. He also possesses 9 different senses, has the ability to regenerate.
Appeared in many episodes of Smallville other that many guest appearances in the DC comics as well as having his own mini series and short lived regular title.
Some facts:
The character is a green-skinned extraterrestrial humanoid from the planet Mars, who is pulled to earth by an experimental teleportation beam (originally presented as an attempted communication device) constructed by Dr. Erdel. The shock of the encounter kills Dr. Erdel and leaves J'onn with no method of returning home. The character decides to fight crime while waiting for Martian technology to advance to a stage that will enable his rescue. To that end, he adopts the identity of John Jones, a detective in the fictional Apex City (later replaced by Chicago)
Why he is underrated: the Martian Manhunter is basically the Swiss army knife of Superheroes. Not only does he have powers but he is a detective, unlike superman who relies on his super strength this guys has smarts and brawn. In the early days of he had alter ego, so he fought crime for a living as well as being a superhero on the side...that’s an interesting story. Later his alter ego was killed action (John Jones) so he reveals his existence to the world, after which he operates openly as a superhero and becomes a charter member of the Justice League. This guy is sweet one time he’s even regenerated his entire body from only his severed hand. His story is interesting, his powers are awesome and he’s friggen green! I wish I could refer you to something besides smallville, if you find any of his rare solo comics pick them up and take a gander at a great superhero.

Runner ups Silver Surfer (check out silver surfer issue one amazing! He is well known but not well written for the most part..)
Gambit-mysterious his story of redemption is compelling, though popular not popular enough for his own long running title what’s up with that?
Professor X- only hero in a wheel chair, crazy smart and one of the best leaders if not the best in the Comics period.
Black Bolt- overlooked by most fans of Comics and never gets the respect thats due, king of the inhumans champion,

Super strength, durability, flight and shape shifting, super speed and “Martian” vision, both at levels close to those of Superman himself. He not only can turn invisible but also alter his density to become incredibly strong, tough and ultimately intangible. In addition to his physical powers, J’onn is also a very powerful telepath. He also possesses 9 different senses, has the ability to regenerate.
Appeared in many episodes of Smallville other that many guest appearances in the DC comics as well as having his own mini series and short lived regular title.
Some facts:
The character is a green-skinned extraterrestrial humanoid from the planet Mars, who is pulled to earth by an experimental teleportation beam (originally presented as an attempted communication device) constructed by Dr. Erdel. The shock of the encounter kills Dr. Erdel and leaves J'onn with no method of returning home. The character decides to fight crime while waiting for Martian technology to advance to a stage that will enable his rescue. To that end, he adopts the identity of John Jones, a detective in the fictional Apex City (later replaced by Chicago)
Why he is underrated: the Martian Manhunter is basically the Swiss army knife of Superheroes. Not only does he have powers but he is a detective, unlike superman who relies on his super strength this guys has smarts and brawn. In the early days of he had alter ego, so he fought crime for a living as well as being a superhero on the side...that’s an interesting story. Later his alter ego was killed action (John Jones) so he reveals his existence to the world, after which he operates openly as a superhero and becomes a charter member of the Justice League. This guy is sweet one time he’s even regenerated his entire body from only his severed hand. His story is interesting, his powers are awesome and he’s friggen green! I wish I could refer you to something besides smallville, if you find any of his rare solo comics pick them up and take a gander at a great superhero.

Runner ups Silver Surfer (check out silver surfer issue one amazing! He is well known but not well written for the most part..)
Gambit-mysterious his story of redemption is compelling, though popular not popular enough for his own long running title what’s up with that?
Professor X- only hero in a wheel chair, crazy smart and one of the best leaders if not the best in the Comics period.
Black Bolt- overlooked by most fans of Comics and never gets the respect thats due, king of the inhumans champion, he uses electron manipulation which allows him to perform matter transformation, the controlled projection of energy as concussive blasts or force fields, broadcast jamming frequencies and achieve flight. His electron-harnessing ability is linked to the speech center of his brain. Speaking triggers a massive disturbance with a word capable of leveling a city. The silent hero, the king of the whole inhuman race, he is hero with patience wisdom and great power.

Thanks for reading